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4-H Club Officers

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Leadership: Club Officers

Our Club Officers meet once a month to plan meetings and events.

Club Leadership Roles

Each 4-H club depends on a dedicated group of youth members and adult volunteers.  One of the foundations of 4-H is the concept of youth-adult partnerships, which is the idea that positive youth development happens most effectively when youth and caring adults work together as equals to plan and implement programming.  Each age group brings its own strengths and challenges to the table.

Youth in the club can act as Officers or Junior/Teen Leaders.  Officers are responsible for running club meetings and functions, while Junior/Teen Leaders take leadership roles in the projects offered by the club.

Adults take a variety roles in the club, usually with one or more youth working in partnership with them.

Club Year At a Glance

Before the club year begins, the community club leader, the officer advisor, and the officers meet together to complete the following tasks:

  • Review the duties of each officer. Please refer to the 4-H Officers' Manual (2013).

  • Set annual club goals for membership, programs, and community service.

  • Develop a year-long club program calendar.

  • Plan the club budget.

  • Help youth and adults complete enrollment paperwork.

At each club meeting, the community club leader and officers:

  • Work as a team to set-up and clean-up the meeting area.

  • Greet guests, members, and leaders as they arrive.

  • Help new or younger members become acquainted with 4-H terms.

  • Lead the meeting using an agenda and take minutes.

  • Organize recreational activities.

At the end of the year, club members and officers should:

  • Complete the end of the year reports.  

  • Meet with the officer advisor to evaluate their year.

  • Hold elections for next year's officers.

  • It is highly recommended that each officer complete a 4-H Online Record Book (ORB) or a "traditional" paper record book and submit it for Club judging.  At the very least, officers should complete a  Leadership Development Record [LDR] in order to receive credit for their leadership role.

4-H officer manual

Youth Officers

4-H club officers are elected annually in accordance with the club's constitution and bylaws.  Under the guidance of the 4-H community club leader and/or the officer's advisor, officers are responsible for a particular part of the 4-H club's function.  Generally, 4-H clubs have a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer.  However, 4-H units may have additional officers according to their constitution and bylaws. Other activities and events may be planned by a committee.
Together, the 4-H club officer team is responsible for the administration of the 4-H club and its programs. Club officers plan and carry out community club meetings. This process engages officers by encouraging them to learn experientially. The officer advisor serves as a facilitator, counselor, resource provider, and coach to the officers.

The objectives of holding an office include increased:

  • planning and organizing skills.

  • teamwork, leadership, and social skills.

  • communication and public speaking skills.

  • self-responsibility.

  • decision making skills.

  • record keeping and management skills.


As an officer, you will manage the planning and implementation of the club’s programs and business. You will be a guardian of the club’s legal, financial, social, and educational responsibilities. Officers are responsible for ensuring that the club is inclusive and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, or disability.
The general duties of holding an office include:

  • Learn and act upon the duties of your office.

  • Be an active member of the board of officers.

  • Attend officer executive board meetings.

  • Attend club meetings and activities.

  • Lead in planning meetings and events.

  • Give your opinion on issues, but also listen to what others have to say.

  • Actively represent 4-H in your community.

  • Let the officer advisor know if you are unable to attend a meeting.

Club officers and officer advisors have an important responsibility to their club, the University of California, and the public. The club has educational goals for its membership, service and membership goals for the community, and fiscal and legal responsibilities to the University of California.
For more information, visit the state website:

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